The CPCCS (Council for Citizen Participation and Social Control) approves the shortlist for the appointment of the Data Protection Authority

"Through Resolution No. CPCCS-PLE-SG-010-O-2024-0079 dated March 6, 2024, the Plenary of the Council for Citizen Participation and Social Control (CPCCS) approved the shortlist proposed by the Executive for the appointment of the Data Protection Authority.
The superintendence:
The Superintendence of Personal Data Protection will be the supervisory and oversight body responsible for guaranteeing all citizens the protection of their personal data and for taking all necessary actions to ensure that the principles, rights, guarantees, and procedures provided for in the Law are respected.
The candidates:
The shortlist for the Authority, submitted by the President and under consideration by the CPCCS, was composed of:
Fabrizio Roberto Peralta Díaz
María Paulina Casares Subía
Luis Fernando Enríquez Álvarez
In its Admissibility Report, the oversight body resolved that all three members of the shortlist meet the constitutional and legal requirements and do not incur disqualifications for the exercise of the position.
According to the Regulation for the Appointment of the Data Authority, as of March 7, 2024, the candidates will enter the phase of public scrutiny and citizen challenge.
About public scrutiny:
The public has a period of three days, counted from the publication of the call, to present challenges if they consider that the candidates do not meet the legal or regulatory requirements, lack probity or suitability, are disqualified, or have omitted and/or altered relevant information to apply for the position.
Resolution to challenges:
The Technical Commission will present to the Plenary of the CPCCS a report on the challenges after three business days following the receipt of challenges.
Based on that report, the Plenary of the CPCCS will have one day to issue the respective resolution regarding the admission or dismissal of the challenges.
We will keep you informed of any further developments regarding the appointment of this Authority."